Admin announces SBAC schedule

Juniors will begin the new Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium testing the week after Spring Break in the Media Center.

Assistant Principal Mr. Kevin Herington will divide juniors into three groups of 175 students each according to their English teachers. Each group will test for two hours and will rotate each day so that students do not miss the same class more than once. Students who miss testing on either April 14 or 15 can make up their tests on April 17. The Media Center will be closed all week to accommodate testing.

Juniors may also take the Performance Task, which takes two hours and thirty minutes. Teachers will give thirty minutes of instruction and students have an hour to do research on the topic and another hour to create the project. For example, students could read an article during the first hour and then write an opinion on it.

The Educational Testing Service will let the school know exactly which tests to administer on March 10. Mr. Herington created a schedule for the “worst case scenario,” which would involve juniors taking all three tests: Math, English and Performance Task; however, students may end up taking any combination of those tests.