Sweet tips for Halloween profiteering

Halloween is just around the corner, which means costumes, spooky events, but most importantly, candy, and lots of it. Most people enjoy Halloween because of the glorious heaps of candy obtained through trick-or-treating and parties. The best part is that it’s totally okay with your parents and that the candy lasts for a really long time, at least in my case. We all know there are always those treats you either end up throwing away at the very end, or just eat once there’s no better options. Here are some tips on how to fill your bag with the best goodies possible, and which candies to trade or get rid of as soon as they hit your bag.

Best Halloween Candies
When going trick-or-treating, always be on the lookout for chocolate candies such as Twix, Kit Kat, Hershey’s and Snickers. Aside from chocolates, my personal favorites are Sour Patch, Coca Cola Bears, gummy candies, Nerds, M&M’s and Starbursts.
Mediocre treats are only for when the best candies aren’t available, such as Crunch, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfingers and Milky Way bars. Candy corn may or may not be on this list, based on your own preferences.
If you ever get anything that’s not candy, such as pencils or toothbrushes, you should dispose of it immediately, it may be hazardous to your health. Never go back to that place again, since the person who gave you those items obviously never had a childhood.

Candy Trading Advice
If ever the situation occurs where you get stuck with the worst candy possible, there are a variety of options to deal with these horrible sweets. My list of potential sweet tooth disasters include Twizzlers, Almond Joys, Milk Duds, Smarties, Sweethearts, Dum Dums, Dots, Tootsie Rolls, candy coins, Dubble Bubble, Lemonheads, old-fashioned candies, Swedish Fish, Peeps and any type of hard candy.
The best thing to do if you want to trade your crummy treats away is to find someone who likes these candies and swap. Swindling is allowed for children ages six and up, and there is a 25-second tradeback period for the first graders and the elderly. In case of parental lockdown, always offer upthe old-fashioned candies and Peeps first, they tend to be attracted to those more for some reason.
Save the strong-flavored and chewy candies, such as Tootsie Rolls and Dots, for medicine. The taste and work you’re putting into chewing the candy will take your mind off the nasty medicine. Avoid partners who want you to trade multiple candies for just one of theirs, and those who want you to dump all your candy onto a surface of some sort. They’ll probably take a few when you’re not looking.
Trading your nasty treats away and staying on the lookout for top tier candies will sweeten up your trick-or-treating experience.