Full house of teacher families

The Bourjeili Bunch

Rampage: How did you end up working at the same place as your sibling?

Ms. Marta Bourjeili: I started working in TC nine years ago, but my brother has also always worked here with the Dragonflicks program. When the opening for the Woods class came up, it just seemed like the perfect place for him, and everyone here really supported him in the decision to take on the class.

Mr. Elias Bourjeili: Ms. B taught English at Oak since 2005. I started working here in 2005 as a volunteer. When VanDeVere retired, I moved in.

Rampage: How does it feel having the same workplace with your sibling?

E. Bourjeili: Fun and annoying. We can gossip about similar students. The irritating part is that I can’t hide anything from her. We can carpool, even though we don’t. Having similar days and holidays off to plan family events is good too. Plus, I get to hear students complain about her.

M. Bourjeili: It’s really fun, although we don’t see each other often — it’s nice to know he’s around — especially if I need help with something. Plus it’s extra great because he gets a lot of my eighth graders, so I can tell him what to expect, and we can continue the fun Bourjeili grudge.

Also, if I forget something at home, he can bring it for me! And if I want some soda, I know where his secret stash is.

Rampage: If you could use one word to describe your sister, what would it be and why?

E. Bourjeili: Crazy. She is super energetic and it’s hard for me to compete with her level of craziness.

Keeping up with the Kidds

Rampage: How did you end up working at the same location?

Ms. Sandee Kidd: Just lucky I guess. I was first. I worked at Oak for 15 years before coming to the high school.

Mr. Mike Kidd: My mom was here first. I came from Gabrielino in 2002.

Ms. Lisa Kidd: Really it just kinda happened. As an art teacher, openings rarely ever happen so when one opened at TC, I jumped on it. I went to TC and loved the student body. I left a job at Edgewood High School where I had been for eight years.

Rampage: How does it feel to work at the same place with your family?

S. Kidd: Okay, weird sometimes, but we don’t see each other everyday if we avoid each other.

M. Kidd: It’s very fun, I get to see them whereas I don’t get to otherwise.

L. Kidd: I have a great family that loves to talk and laugh so it’s pretty fun. I know that they always have my back.

Rampage: In your opinion, what are some of the advantages of working at the same workplace?

M. Kidd: We get to see each other and sometimes eat together.

S. Kidd: I can bring lunch if they forget theirs.

Rampage: If you could describe each of them, how would you describe them?

S. Kidd: Mr. Kidd is hardworking and funny, while Ms. Kidd is dedicated.

L. Kidd: Mr. Kidd is by far the best. He is a really, really good math teacher. He knows how to make the material understandable and relatable. He also teaches you more than just math, he teaches you life. Oh, he also has the worst jokes to tell in class. He just has such great style and fun in his teaching.


Fun with the Ferntheils

Rampage: What is it like to work at the same place as your wife/husband?

Mr. Bert Ferntheil: Very convenient, it’s nice when we can discuss work at home.

Ms. Kristi Ferntheil: I love it. This is where we met. We met here.

Rampage: How did you meet?

K. Ferntheil: We met 28 years ago. I was the drill team instructor and he was the drum instructor and we started dating and then he became the band director. So I worked with him on the drill team for about ten years. Then we had children. So I stopped working on the drill team and started teaching math, and he kept doing the band.

Rampage: Was it love at first sight?

B. Ferntheil: Haha no, not at first. We did have some trouble getting along due to different opinions, but things got better.

Rampage: What are some of the advantages of working at the same place as your wife/husband?

B. Ferntheil: We have the same vacation days which is very nice.

K. Ferntheil: When I forget money I can borrow some from him. And even though we only see each other during lunch, it is nice to see him when I can.

Rampage: If you could use one word to describe your husband, what would it be and why?

K. Ferntheil: He is wonderful. There are many reasons why but the biggest reason is that he puts up with me.