Teachers tell terrifying tales

For any horror fanatic, there is nothing better than a scary story for Halloween season. Just as the newest season of “American Horror Story” is based on a true story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke, these historical tales are grounded on fact and enough to cause shivers to run up your spines. If caffeine isn’t enough to keep you up all night, these creepy on historical tales told by our very own history teachers might just do the trick.

Ghost of the Suicide Maid
Mr. Riley Saxon:
“There is this haunted hotel in Oklahoma City called the Skirvin Hotel. The owner of the hotel had an affair with one of the maids, whose name was Effie.
She became pregnant, and to avoid unwanted rumors with everyone, the owner locked her on the tenth floor. She became so distraught with being locked in that she jumped to her death with her baby.
Now, they say that her ghost haunts the hotel. I read a lot of sports articles, and there are a lot of teams that have felt like they have been haunted there.
One of my favorite sports writers stayed there for a night and just couldn’t handle it. He said he definitely heard some wailings, screams and doors being locked while in his room. After that, he decided that he would never stay there again.
The hotel looks really creepy if you search it up online, and I personally would never stay there!”

The Tragedy of Major Rathbone
Ms. Stacy Rudzik:
“On the night of his assassination, President Abraham Lincoln was sitting with Union General Henry Rathbone and his wife, Clara.
Henry Rathbone tried to stop John Wilkes Booth from assassinating President Lincoln, and although he was hurt in the struggle, he was not successful in saving the president. He physically recovered from the attack, but Rathbone became more and more deranged and was driven insane by his failure to protect the president.
Eighteen years after the incident, he ended up falling into an abyss of insanity. He tried to reenact John Wilkes Booth’s attack, and attempted to murder his own children. When his wife tried to stop him. He stabbed her to death, and then stabbed himself. Although he survived, many people said it was just the insanity in his mind trying to save the president.
Instead, he ended up becoming the assassin he had tried to save President Lincoln from. People who observed the scene after the murders of Rathbone’s family said that their house was covered in blood and was dripping from the walls, like a scene out of ‘The Shining’”

The Death of Rasputin
Mr. Anthony Russell:
“Grigori Rasputin came out of nowhere from Siberia and took over the whole Russian monarchy. He did it all as a con man, and lied that he had special powers that could heal the son of the Russian throne.
He tricked everybody and took over the government. Eventually, a couple of people from the monarchy decided to kill him. But, when they attempted to kill him and shot at him three times, he survived and was still able to get up. Next, they tried to roll Rasputin up in a carpet and threw him into the icy river when they found him later he hadn’t died from gunshot wounds, poisoning or anything like that.
He actually drowned, which meant he was still alive even with bullets in him by the time they threw him in the river. Rasputin was a creepy man, and looked very creepy too! He was tall, with a big beard and was just a very scary character.”