Makeup by Wu wows the crowd

Aside from inspiring a palette of fierce trends and casual looks, makeup has served as a medium for self-expression and a source of confidence for Senior Jeffrey Wu.
“I was really self-conscious about my acne, so I started using concealer to hide it,” Wu said. “Putting on makeup gave me a certain confidence, but now I wear it because it just makes me happy.”
After discovering his interest in cosmetics during eighth grade, Wu has gained beauty insights from famous YouTubers, including Michelle Phan and Bubzbeauty, and has developed a daily makeup routine ever since. In his early mornings before zipping to zero period, Wu begins his routine with foundation, powder and a few coats of mascara.
Even though his friends immediately supported and accepted Wu’s makeup, his parents didn’t.
“Once, they threw away all of my products after one of our fights,” Wu said. “However, they eventually got used to me using makeup, and my mom and grandma even let me do theirs sometimes.”
Other obstacles Wu encountered consisted of periods of trial-and-error from finding the right tone of foundation to learning how to draw insta-worthy brows. Like many entering the compelling world of cosmetics, Wu experienced the nuanced stages of being a makeup newbie.
“When I first started applying makeup, I thought I looked bomb, but in reality I probably looked ridiculous,” Wu said. “I over-plucked my eyebrows and put on foundation that made me look like a ghost.”
Now with more expertise, Wu helps his friends who are newly interested in wearing makeup. He recommends starting with lightweight products such as BB cream or tinted moisturizer and neutral eye shadows to achieve a natural look while avoiding detectable errors in application.
“Everyone can occasionally receive some criticism when they’re starting out,” Wu said. “Just be yourself and screw the haters!”