Aussie students embrace origins

Much like Americans, many Australians have unique cultural backgrounds. Families that originate from all over the world come together and create a culture unlike any other.
For Senior Amelia Thompson, Australian nationality and heritage are especially connected. Part of Thompson’s family is aboriginal, the ethnic group of native non-European Australians, much like Native Americans in the United States. Her ancestry has given her a distinct perspective on Australian history and culture.
“I have learned what it means to be connected to the land and how through these traditions I can keep my culture alive by passing it down through generations,” Thompson said. “I have learned the importance of belonging and how I can stand strong and be proud of who I am. I have become aware that there are other ways of knowing, doing, and being as an Aboriginal person.”
Heritage is also an important aspect of life for Senior Emily Hopcroft. Hopcroft’s family has created two distinct connections, one with their Irish ancestry and one with their Australian nationality.
“To keep our Irish heritage, all women will own a claddagh ring, which signifies whether they are looking for love or have found love, depending on how you wear it. Other traditions include celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and decorating our house with trinity knot ornaments,” Hopcroft said. “My Irish heritage has influenced my religious beliefs, the way I view and value the ring choice in marriage, and even our vegetable choices for dinner.”
Many Australians feel stronger ties to their nationality than their ethnicity. An important aspect of their connection includes holidays like Anzac Day, which is a remembrance day for soldiers who participated in an important historical battle.
ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, so the soldiers call themselves Anzacs.
The nation holds a moment of silence and dawn services in honor of fallen soldiers. It is similar to the way Americans acknowledge Memorial Day, but Australians take more care to recognize the holiday and honor the soldiers.
Another important holiday is Australia Day, which celebrates the day that the British first came to Australia and declared it to be part of Britain. It is similar to the idea behind Columbus Day, but widely celebrated like the Fourth of July.
However, days like Anzac Day and Australia Day are a subject of tension between different groups of Australians.
“Anzac Day and Australia Day are two holidays which have caused many issues for Australian culture and community,” Senior Nic Eglin said. “The aboriginal population call Australia Day the ‘invasion day’ because they lost many aspects of their culture which were never returned. This resulted in a split between the white populations which see the day as the day where Australia was made and the aboriginals which see the day as a day of loss.”
Despite conflicts between diferent groups in Australia, the overarching idea is that the citizens can still come together and take pride in their country.
“I believe we are all Australian not because of where we come from but because of the way we choose to live,” Sophomore Samantha Burgmann said. “My favourite thing about Australian culture is the good humour and friendly atmosphere and it is what I identify with most.”