A glimmer of fiery interest

By Jessica Lu
Staff Writer

“Running was where most of my friends went. There’s something about cross country that’s a very team-building sport. You might not see it when we’re racing against each other, but behind the scenes we’re spending hours working and running together as a team. That’s one of the things I really liked about the sport.”  

—Senior Thomas Li

“Queer Straight Alliance is a club that my friends and I started our sophomore year, and it was really to just inform people of the LGBTQ+ community in a fun way. I didn’t know much about the topic before, and I liked that I got to learn a lot more about it. It’s a safe place for people to come or talk about problems if they ever have any.”

—Junior Kaitlin Serrato

“I have a lot of friends just through baseball. I have been playing since I was three years old, and I’ve been loving it more and more. Hearing my mom talk about it and support me makes it more fun, and I love the sport itself. You start in one place and work yourself up to another, like different steps in life.”

—Freshman Parker Thomas