How to say thanks

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]very well-mannered person needs to say thank you at some point in his or her life. Luckily, there are many ways to express your gratitude for someone.

Traditional thank you cards
The method with which you thank someone usually depends on the degree of your gratitude. If you’re thanking someone for something small, an email or a small face-to-face thank you will suffice. However, if your gratitude runs deeper, the proper way to express your appreciation would be with a thank you card. These cards must be hand-written because it shows that you care enough to sit down and take the time to write a thank you note.
You should address the person with Ms. or Mr. in front of his or her full name. If you’re thanking a close friend, then only his/her full name is necessary. When writing your card, always mention the gift the person gave you and why you want to thank him. It’s always thoughtful to tell them how you used their gift. For example, if someone got you a Starbucks gift card, you can mention how happy you were to treat yourself with a Salted Caramel Mocha or Green Tea Latte. Formally end your card with words like sincerely or regards and sign your name at the bottom.

Teacher recommendations
Teachers and counselors go out of their way write you recommendations, so you should show how much you appreciate them with a heartfelt thank you card. When writing the card, address the teacher or counselor as you do at school. Never address them with their first and last names unless you know them personally outside of school. Make sure to begin with why you want to thank them. For instance, if they wrote a recommendation that got you into the college of your dreams, start out with how grateful you are for them taking time out of their day to write something amazing about you. However, if you’re the gift giving type and you feel that a card just isn’t enough, you can always choose to attach a small gift, like a plate of homemade cookies or a gift card.