Capture color with photography, encourage passion

PHOTO COURTESY/ Judy Lu (top left, bottom right), Leilany Garcia (top right), Johnny Sheng (bottom left)

By Allison Chow,
Staff Writer

The room is silent as Digital Photography I and II students diligently adjust their camera settings, trying their best to capture a compelling picture.

These classes focus on the art of utilizing light to encapsulate images, the perfect medium to display vibrant and bold colors.

Throughout the year, students work with cameras to prepare for an end of the year portfolio. They further their interest and knowledge of photography through different assignments, including abstract photos, bold color photos, portrait pictures and many more.

Students first gather ideas about their assignment before executing the photo. Students then critique themselves, describing their photo-taking process. For their final, students compile a 10-photo portfolio.

“Once I sit and ponder long enough about what I want my picture to be, I try to manifest my ideas into reality,” senior Johnny Sheng said. “I like taking pictures of walls. I like to capture the natural beauty within the simplicity of my subjects.”

Students engage their creative freedom in the class, brainstorming ideas for each assignment and discussing their ideas with the teacher, Savay Lieu. Some students, like freshman Leilany Garcia, also participate in photography competitions to help fuel their passions for the subject.

Recently, Garcia entered in the School Photographers of America competition in the creative, sports and student life categories, doing three photoshoots with three different concepts, including some portrait photos.

“I was pretty nervous about applying since it was my first time and the past winners all had amazing photos,” Garcia said. “I want to use the prize camera to someday sell my photos because photography is definitely one of my favorite hobbies.”

Though both classes assemble portfolios, Digital Photography II students’ finals require that their photo collection also conveys a story.

“Before I took the class I was always interested in taking pictures and making things look pretty,” senior Judy Lu said. “I like to keep memories of things and I feel like taking the class was like a huge step in my passion.”