Bake your way to a red velvet Christmas

It’s that wonderful time of holiday cheer and, of course, festive treats. Chocolate covered red velvet cake pops have become one of my staple homemade baked goods for the holiday festivities.
Get ready to make your friends’ and families’ mouths water with this simple yet tasty cake pop recipe.

1 box red velvet cake mix
1 can cream cheese frosting
1-2 bags semi-sweet chocolate chips

Confectioners’ sugar
Cake pops/cookies baking sticks

Bake your red velvet cake according to the instructions listed on the box. After you take it out of the oven, let the cake cool completely. To speed this up, slice up the cake while it is still in the pan. Once cooled, crumble the cake into a large dish or bowl.

Use your hands to toss in the cream cheese frosting. The frosting acts as an adhesive when actually forming the cake balls, so make sure the frosting and the cake crumbs are thoroughly combined until it becomes dough-like. Shape the dough into balls in your palms, but be careful not to roll the dough or else it will crumble. Place the cake balls onto a baking sheet and refrigerate for approximately 30 minutes or until the balls are firm enough so that they won’t break apart.

Using a double-boiler, melt the chocolate chips. If you don’t have a double-boiler, place a metal or glass bowl in a pot of water and simmer over a stove. To avoid burns, scoop some melted chocolate into a separate, smaller bowl. Then, roll the cake balls in the chocolate carefully with a spoon, and place back onto the baking sheet.

Return the cake pops to the fridge to harden the chocolate. When you are ready to serve them, take some confectioners’ sugar and top off the balls with a snowy sprinkle. Finally, gently poke cake pop sticks into the balls and you’re finished!

Voilà! These are a great way to spread the holiday spirit with your friends and family. All you have to do now is put an extra dash of love into the recipe and you’re good to go. Good luck, have fun and happy baking!