Pamper yourself with these natural treatments

Store bought beuaty products often contain harmful and unnecessary ingredients. Try these natural do it yourself beauty products for healthy glowing skin.

Yogurt and Oatmeal Face Mask
2 tablespoons of organic plain yogurt
2 tablespoons of plain oatmeal
A spoon
This face mask not only helps to soothe acne prone skin, but also perfects dry or sensitive skin. Mix the yogurt and oatmeal together with your spoon and apply a thick layer on your face, letting it absorb into the skin for at least twenty minutes. It is important to use all natural and organic ingredients, so that it does not further irritate the skin. Before rinsing off the mask, first close the drain. Then, gently rub off the top layer of oatmeal. Gently rinse away the rest to reveal a softer and brighter complexion.

Sugar Body Scrub
½ cups of white granulated sugar
3 tablespoons of honey
2 tablespoons of an essential oil
A spoon
A bowl
First, put the sugar in a bowl. Then, put the honey in another bowl and microwave it for 20 seconds to loosen it up and make it easier to work with. Mix the sugar and honey thoroughly. You can also choose to mix in a few teaspoons of your favorite oil, such as Vitamin E Oil or Rosehip Oil.
The sugar in this body scrub makes for a gentle exfoliation, while the honey and oil provide moisture. This body scrub is perfect for a one time use, but you can adjust the measurements and store it for future use. If you do so, microwave the scrub before using it for a smoother application.