Real with Rachel: Don’t conceal, express yourself with makeup

Sometimes I wear makeup. Sometimes I don’t. And my decision to wear makeup is my choice and mine alone.

Yet, I often hear people say things like, “Why are you wearing so much makeup today?” when I decide to add a splash of color to my lips or a dash of glitter to my eyelids. Conversely, it’s depressing to hear the opposite extreme of, “You look tired today” or “Is that a zit on your forehead?” when wearing little or no makeup.

When faced with critical questions and comments such as these, I urge you to ignore them. And to those who feel compelled to share, you may think that your comment is harmless, but trust me, it won’t be received that way.

Let me clear up some misconceptions about why girls wear makeup. Despite what some people might think, wearing makeup is not always an attempt to secure a boyfriend. I wear makeup for several reasons, none of which are to impress the opposite sex.

First off, makeup is fun. I like experimenting with smoky eyes, eyeliner and lipstick shades. It’s cool to see what colors complement each other, how makeup can jazz up an outfit and what eyeliner colors make your eyes truly pop.

Experiment with makeup and discover your own personal style. Use makeup as a form of expression. It’s harmless. And it’s fun. (Urban Decay’s green eyeliner, “Freak,” is my current favorite.)

Makeup can also bolster a person’s confidence. Foundation can even out a person’s skin tone, getting rid of patches in color and covering acne, scars and any other physical insecurities a person may have. A little bit of makeup can go a long way in making a person feel better about herself.

A girl worried about a zit on her forehead can apply a little cover-up and voilà, her confidence rebounds. However, one critical remark can easily crush that newfound confidence.

We owe it to one other to respect each other’s makeup choices. Compliments require a modicum of effort and can significantly improve someone’s day.

Be the person that makes someone feel confident about her makeup, instead of being the person whose insensitive comment makes her dive into the nearest bathroom to wipe all of her eye shadow off.

And if you’re a makeup novice, don’t be afraid to ask an older sister or a friend for advice or watch a Youtube tutorial for some tips. Whether it’s to feel better about yourself or just to have fun and feel glamorous, give makeup a chance.