Admin. picks Fick as next Athletic Director

For the second time in his career at TCHS, Mr. Ralph Fick steps up to become the school’s Athletic Director, following Mr. John VanDeVeere’s retirement last year.

“I’m still evaluating things right now, but I will say that the job has changed a lot in the past seventeen years,” Mr. Fick said. “There’s a lot of stuff that gets done online now–submitting forms, transfer requests–a lot of the burden has fallen on the Athletic Director. I have a lot more responsibilities, as far as relaying information.”

As Athletic Director, Mr. Fick oversees all of the events that go on in the Athletics Department–from making sure that the teams get the necessary equipment and transportation that they need for each game, to hiring, evaluating and advising the school’s coaches.

“He’s got a lot of experience in athletics and he’s a guy who is very organized and on top of things,” Assistant Principal Mr. Kevin Herington said. “He’s gone through a training process with C.I.F.’s Southern Section to sort of reconnect with all the new rules and anything that’s changed since he was Athletic Director. He’s now caught up and we’re happy to have him and excited to continue to move forward with his leadership.”

According to Mr. Fick, the application process this time around was rather simple, due to his prior experience and long history of working at TCHS. Rather than submitting a résumé and filling out an application, Mr. Fick went through an interview process, shortly after which he was selected by administration for the job.

“I want to make sure that the students and the coaches learn from each other and work together so that it all lines up smoothly and that they can achieve their goals,” Mr. Fick said. “I am excited about instigating some changes for the good in the athletics program. For example, I just signed us up for a twitter account. I’m hoping to foster communication and provide better communication to our community in regards to athletics.”