Linside Story: Step on those roses

A couple years ago, my childhood friend gave me a aromatherapy stress relieving reed diffuser. I still remember her saying, “This is for you to relax because I know you’re always stressed.”
I remember thinking to myself that I would have to use it within the year, otherwise the gift would lose its functionality and the strength of the scent would decrease. Today, many years later, it remains on my desk, a constant reminder of my need to take a break or enjoy myself.
When I really think about it, I don’t really need a break from my busy life. Everyone has their own responsibilities from school to relationship to sports teams. However, everyone also has their own threshold. I rarely feel the need to take breaks and this comes from my passion for my duties.
I’m not always able to do what I want, but I definitely try my best to. People always ask me why I never seem stressed. The truth is, I definitely do, but when I actually focus on doing my work, I always realize how much I truly enjoy it. My homework begins to lose its unappealing requirement of intense thought when I feel the excitement of getting that insanely difficult question right. The hours of tennis practice seem like nothing when I’m actually in the match and I can feel that pride of representing my team and overcoming obstacles. This passion gives me a motivation to not only participate in that activity, but also gives me the strength to work on other things.
People seem to think that everyone needs to smell the roses or to take a break, but when I’m immersed in the beauty of life in itself, there doesn’t seem to be a need. In fact, I feel that my busy life helps me notice the smallest things. If I always had my free time, I would not be able to chuckle when I stumble upon the strangest Spanish words or share the deep conversations that happen during late nights.
I hope that you don’t always think that you need to take a break simply because you’ve been doing something you love for so long. Instead, if it is a positive passion, continually pursue those positive experiences. I love that I have found things that I love to do because it fulfills my need to smell the roses.