Lizten Up: Part of My World

Ariel. Elizabeth. As you can see, we’re basically the same person, give or take a tail and a couple letters in our name.
Ever since I was a child, I was bombarded with the constant beragment of high school movies and watching the girl fall in love with the boy.
However, as graduation approaches, I realized that I never once accomplished my one mission in life…finding a boy to fall in love with.
Therefore, I have devised a wonderful plan to achieve my true goal. First, I will lament in room 311 about all of the stuff I own and have talking therapy dogs at my beck and call.
Second, I will seek the powerful witch on campus who will help me find my Prince Eric. And the last and final step is to get the boy to fall in love with me. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Graduation is right around the corner so I’ve got to get a crack a lackin’ on my plan to find Prince Eric…otherwise I’ll end up becoming seafoam.