News Briefs

New Lockdown/Lockout Procedures
To prepare for the lockdown drill this upcoming Thursday on April 19, TCUSD presented an updated version of the “Lock Down” procedures, which now also include a “Lock Out” command, to staff members last week. The updated “Lock Down” guidelines cover how to react when an active shooter is on campus.
In comparison, the “Lock Out” command is only used for off campus threats and law enforcement activity near the school.
“It’s important that we are modeling the proper behavior during the drills and a real emergency,” Assistant Principal Mr. Christopher Holmes said. “We need to show students how their safety is our number one priority.”
Administration planned the lockdown at a time when students won’t anticipate it, to recreate the unpredictability of a real emergency situation.
Teachers communicate with administration via email and telephone, but the PA systems won’t be used for instructions during a real lockdown, so that students won’t be alarmed.
“I would expect the district to improve the way they communicate with students to keep everyone informed,” Junior Vanessa Garcia said. “In a real emergency, I want explanations as the situation progresses, I would rather be afraid and informed than oblivious.”

District receives false bomb threat
After Los Angeles County Office of Education warned TCUSD about a series of bomb threats April 9, the district received the threatening email at approximately 11 a.m. on the same day.
TCUSD sent a clarifying message to the high school in the morning about a circulating bomb threat email in school districts nationwide, which is currently being investigated by the police.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department considered the email not credible since officials believe that the hoax originated from Apophis Squad, which is known to send false bomb threats to schools.
Students continued the school day regularly without any announcements from administration about the threat, but later on that afternoon, Principal Dr. Jennifer Lashier sent the message from TCUSD to parents through a brief email.