AP: tips and tricks

There are only 21 more days to prepare before AP testing! With just under a month before AP exams are underway, here are ways that you may be able to make the best out of the testing season.

Online Sources
It is time to review all that you have learned during the span of the year. Looking at online sources, there are a number of different resources that are at your fingertips.
As an overview, watching videos will help you refresh concepts that you may have learned early on in October. There are a number of crash course videos on YouTube that cover AP exam topics.
For more training, there are also practice tests and prior exam questions that are accessible through the official College Board site. Taking the tests will allow you to get familiar with the language and format beforehand.

Paper Sources
Aside from finding guides online, many paper resources are equally as beneficial.
Prep test books, class notes and homework are all ways you can review for the test. If you have not purchased a test book, the media center offers some subjects that you may borrow.
Moreover, remember to give yourself a sufficient amount time to review the material provided in the book.
By highlighting important parts of the text, you will be able to get through the book faster and cover more information.
For vocabulary, general concepts and minute details, using flashcards will help you drill the concepts into your head and are easy to carry for studying on the go.

Night before/day of testing
On the night before test day, make sure to get a full night’s rest, since the testing period will feel long and draining.
Be organized and prepared by packing all required supplies. This will ensure that you aren’t running around in the morning trying to find your pens or calculator.
As another note, make sure that you have the accurate time and date for all tests so that you don’t have any surprises or changes.
On the day of testing, remember to have a good breakfast and plan to arrive at school early if you have a morning test.
Don’t push yourself to study more, as the cramming may only cause you to stress yourself out further. Relaxing and trusting your instincts will lead you to have a successful testing session.Capture 1