Students reminisce about elementary school

Despite the fact that elementary school flew by years ago, students often look back fondly on the days of hanging out with their friends during recess and participating in various activities. Here, students look back and share some of their favorite memories.

“It’s the little things that I miss about being an Emperor Eagle. One dollar strawberry shortcakes after school, Tuesday Student Council, Goody Day, jamming out to the Black Eyed Peas in the cafeteria and playing tetherball or handball with friends.”
Senior Kayla Truong

“It’s a lot smaller when you’re in elementary than in high school, and everyone was much more tight knit, like a close family. Here, there are four times as many people that you don’t know. But back then, you knew almost everyone in your grade.”
Sophomore Suraj Shah

“I miss knowing everyone’s name! I loved walking into school and always knowing what was going on in everyone’s lives. Nowadays, no one really cares to converse; they only come to go.”
– Junior Ashley Lemos