AP, honors tryouts simplified

In alignment with TCUSD Board Policy 6141.5 adopted Nov. 12, 2014 stating, “all students who meet course prerequisites shall have equal access to AP courses,” Principal Dr. Jennifer Lashier eliminated tryouts for AP and honors classes.

“The whole tryout process last year appeared stressful for students during an already crazy time of year to begin with,” Dr. Lashier said. “The whole intent this year was to clean up the process. Life is stressful enough for our kids and anything I can do at least in that direction to alleviate some of that, we’re going to do it.”

In order to enroll into a core AP or honors course, the only prerequisite would be at least a “B” in the previous AP or honors course or an “A” in the previous regular class. Exceptions include subjects like art where the requirement to register is a portfolio submission, mimicking the final AP submission.

“Students can get in on their own merit,” Sophomore Suraj Shah said. “More students are provided the opportunity to take higher level classes.”
As the number of lab science classrooms is limited, students requesting to take two science classes next year may not be able to.

“Science courses require specific classroom arrangements of which I have a fixed amount,” Dr. Lashier said. “It’s tied specifically to the fact that I have X many students and Y many teachers, and that teachers can only teach what they can teach.”

Registering for an AP or honors class is now a three step process. The general survey stating student’s intentions were due online on March 11, and then extended to March 13 because several students were unaware of the form. Many also had questions about whether or not they could change their responses after submitting the form.

The next step is for the counselors to create a rough schedule for every student. Students should expect to receive their schedules on April 26.

Students must sign a contract acknowledging that they should not expect to get an “A” or a “B” and anticipate an increased workload in the classes. The contract will be due May 3.

Unlike last year, students will not be able to add or drop AP and honors classes at registration. They have until the end of the 2018-2019 school year to make any alterations.

Junior Emerald Kwang started a petition on March 8 to reinstate the previous tryout system. As of 2 p.m. of March 15, 172 people have signed.