Monumental beginnings for Yang Gang

Even if former Democratic candidate Andrew Yang ended his run for president, his concept of universal basic income is a sustainable solution for the future of America. No matter what the election outcome is, Yang proved himself to be a great choice as a cabinet member for our next president to consider.
Although Yang’s campaign website described him as an entrepreneur, husband and father, people only see him as an Asian from New York. Yang had his desire to run for presidency when he feared that the future economy would make workers’ and families’ lives harder. His daring idea of Freedom Dividend to give $1,000 per month to every citizen made him famous for being a so-called socialist.
His emphasis on the economy and people’s well-being makes him a great candidate for a cabinet position in the next presidential administration. While giving money to Americans may not be the best solution, it can be effective in improving living standards and creating better living conditions for citizens who can spend extra money on things they need.
Before running for office, President Barack Obama selected Yang as a “Champion of Change” in 2011, which is solid proof of his outstanding ability in the business field. Yang’s future of becoming a cabinet member would make America great again.
Asian Americans have had less influence than other ethnicities in the U.S. ever since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, but Yang’s influence as a cabinet member would change this. Before running his campaign, Yang was a successful entrepreneur among many Asian Americans who worked diligently in American communities.
Despite his recent announcement to halt his campaign, Yang became a role model, branded himself and his identity to millions of American voters that Asian Americans can become leaders in the government.
Comparing him to other top candidates, his charisma and honesty stands out. While it will be unlikely for a Republican president to handpick Yang, his fellow Democratic candidates should accept and nominate him for cabinet positions. If Yang gets a cabinet position, he can help increase Democratic influence in the White House while also gaining the experience and support to run for president again in future years. After all, Yang made it this far already, ranking better than many others who dropped out of the race at the beginning of the primary polls.
Yang’s persistent campaign with an emphasis on America’s well-being makes an argument for our next president to select him for a cabinet position. Although we cannot predict the outcome of the 2020 election, what I can say for certain is that Yang should be part of the next chapter of American history.