Spring towards the future

By Matthew Kwan, Co-Editor-In-chief

Up to this point of my senior career, the past six months have felt like an extension of my junior year. Despite taking senior classes and filling out college applications, the reality of my impending graduation and future felt ever distant. But as I await college decisions I now find myself caught between nostalgia and the need to move on.

In many ways, I really was still stuck in junior year. I follow the same daily routines, missed out on most senior traditions and my life continues to be dominated by Rampage. Even senior responsibilities like taking my senior portrait and writing college essays felt more like completing assignments for classes than rites of passage. By the time I finally began feeling like a senior, it was already time to think about moving on to college. 

Though I understand the importance of moving on, I can’t help but feel bittersweet. But as much as I would like to pause time and take in the moment, I’m ready to accept where I’m at now and move forward with my life.

To loosely paraphrase Shakespeare, our life is like a play, and we are the players. The next scene will go on regardless of our preparedness, and it’s up to us to make that transition.

At some point we must push ourselves forward to the next stage of our lives whether we’re ready or not. It’s natural to feel scared and lost, but all anyone can do is make the most of their situation while hopefully learning more about themselves. 

Frankly I’m still not sure what I want to do with my life, and I doubt I’ll come to a set conclusion within these coming months. But I’m ready to step forward into the next chapter of my life, and I’m excited to go wherever my future takes me.