Athletes attend tryouts, season starts

By Jisele Garcia, Staff Writer

PHOTO/ Jisele Garcia
Catcher Andrew Dyer and the JV boys baseball team conducted a multi-hour practice on March 31 in preparation for their game against La Salle where they won with a score of 2-1.

TCHS athletes managed a past few months of sports tryouts and completing their athletic clearance papers. As schools began reopening various programs, sports teams had to adapt to new challenges brought on by the pandemic. The girls soccer team faced termination of their 2020-2021 junior varsity team due to COVID-19 related concerns.

The boys soccer tryout took place on March 16 and March 18. Baseball tryouts were on March 17-18. Girls and boys tennis tryouts occurred on March 22. Girls and boys basketball and boys volleyball tryouts took place on April 8.

“I’m excited to play on one of the TCHS baseball teams,” freshman Justyn Henriquez said. “I love the game and being a part of the team.”

The tryouts consisted of various tasks including warmup activities, drills to showcase technical abilities and scrimmages. Coaches determined their final rosters by assessing their performance with these drills.

“The way I run a tryout provides students with enough opportunities to show me their skills, effort and willingness to learn,” boys and girls tennis coach Richard Slaymaker said. “I always bring a positive mindset to each tryout and remain open-minded when making decisions.”

Girls soccer held a two-day tryout on March 15 and 17 for their JV and varsity teams. Though coaches established a varsity team, there was a low-player turnout in response to COVID-19 concerns which resulted in the termination of the JV team.

To be on a sports team, an athlete must submit athletic clearance papers. Athletic clearances require a physical examination and the completion of forms regarding general injury risks during games and any underlying health conditions that may hinder a player’s performance or  harm their well-being.

Administration introduced two new COVID-19 forms that require completion along with the previous forms. These forms address the risk of contracting COVID-19 and explains the new protocols established for sports.

“It’s refreshing to know that TCHS ensures that I’m healthy and there are no underlying health conditions I have to worry about,” sophomore Leilani Carmona said. “Then I do get excited to finally play after the athletic clearance process.”