Performing arts receive PE credit

From weight training to electives, there are many ways for each student to fulfill the three year physical education requirement for graduation.
Temple City High School offers many dance classes, such as Advanced Dance, Beginning Dance, Choreo, Song and Auxiliaries.
“I think it makes sense for any class that involves dancing to get PE credit,” Junior Dawn Tan said. “It requires a lot of physical exertion, hours of practice and years of training.”
The most recent changes in class credits involve two of Temple City’s most prominent performing art groups: the POTC Marching Band and Brighter Side Singers.
The Brighter Side Singers are a choir group that sing and dance in their performances. They began receiving PE credit as of this school year due to the physical activity required for practice.
“Not only do we perform choreography daily, but we also have to sing and control our breathing at the same time,” Junior Isaac Haynes said. “It really takes dedication and endurance to sing our hearts out at 7:15 in the morning on a daily basis, which is similar to a cardio workout.”
Similar to the Brighter Side Singers, the marching band also gets a workout during practices and performances.
“We practice rigorously for our field shows,” Sophomore Norman La said. “Time and energy is sacrificed to put together a well organized performance for competitions.”
About ten years ago, the Board of Education stopped acknowledging marching band as a PE elective. Last year, Temple City’s marching band began to receive PE credit again with approval from the Board of Education.
However, only zero period marching band counts for PE credit while first period symphonic band will continue to earn only performing arts credit during the first semester.
“I believe that marching band as well as BSS deserves PE credit,” Brighter Side director Mr. Matt Byers said. “In the context of the band, the carrying of instruments and the discipline required to do what they do in precision and timing are very physically demanding.”