Learning the love languages in our lives

Author Mr. Gary Chapman’s 1995 bestseller, “The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts”, describes how people express and receive love through simple categories: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Giving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch.
Everyone has a different love language—a different way of showing love. The way most people demonstrate love to others is usually how they also want to be loved.
By learning more about love languages, friends can show their love for each other in an effective and powerful way.

“Kissing my mom goodbye on the cheek shows that I appreciate and love her, since physical touch lets me communicate with others without speaking.”
— Sophomore Nicholas Huang

“It’s fun to interact with young children at Vacation Bible School. I love that the event can bring together so many people. They start out not knowing each other, but after working for a while, it brings them together.”
— Senior Joyce Chen

“Gift giving shows someone how much you love and care about them. It can be something as simple as a note saying how much you love them. Just seeing how happy they are makes me feel happy!”
— Junior Brianna Kouzouyan

“When someone I care about is feeling down, I want to make them feel better by encouraging them or making them laugh.”
— Freshman Queenie Lin

“Spending time with friends is a reprieve from stress; it is where we engage in banter and leisure unencumbered by duty or obligation.”
— Senior Daniel Gong