Zhang explores career in police force

Junior Henry Zhang adjusted his grip on the simulation gun beneath his fingers, a replica of a Glock 17. His mind ran over the directions from his instructors on how to correctly hold, grip and aim the weapon. Although the firearm was chambered with plastic tips thus rendering it capable of only producing a sting, the concentration was clear on his face as he focused on the target.
“I hope to build a better character and to help others achieve their goals,” Zhang said. “I’m looking for many things in particular within my time in the program, including service, self-growth, passion to learn and the ability to inspire others along this path.”
Introduced to the program by Guidance Counselor Ms. Maria Ioele, Zhang spent 12 weeks at the San Gabriel Valley Law Enforcement Explorer Academy to qualify for the Arcadia Police Department Explorer Program. Passing a radio code test is also required to stay within the police explorer program.
Since joining the program, he has continued to learn the basics of law enforcement.
“I feel really proud for him on all his accomplishments,” Junior Linya Wu said. “He’s really changed into the person he wants to be. He’s always had a strong sense of justice and wanting to help out.”
Inspired by the men and women who put on the uniform, Zhang’s heart is set on a future in law enforcement. In his eyes, not all heroes wear capes. The superheroes he loved as a child turned out to be people in the U.S. military, law enforcement and emergency medical services.
“These dedicated, determined and wholehearted beings lay their lives to sacrifice for another,” Zhang said. “The part that gets to me is being selfless. The feeling of helping another individual to better their lives is the key to happiness for me.”
Zhang works under the guidance and training from police officers for at least four hours every two weeks. Meetings focus on a variety of topics and assignments which include marching, criminal law, case law, defense tactics and physical training.
“I want to be part of something bigger than myself,” Zhang said. “I want to influence others to join me. You rise by lifting others.”
Hands-on experience provides Zhang a better understanding of the field as well as ride-alongs and opportunities where the Explorer is able to be on duty with an officer and assist with their assignments.
His current goal is to advance the ranks within the program. After being recently interviewed for the position of Explorer Sergeant, the overseer of the other Explorers, he hopes for good news to come his way.
“It’s not how much I do, it’s how much effort I’ve put into it,” Zhang said. “Every small detailed assignment transitions to a larger task and the urge to do another encourages me. Most of these assignments may not be easy, but with firm determination, it’s possible to complete.”