Rising classmen anticipate future

By Janice Wong, Staff Writer

“I think high school is going to be a very new
experience! Missing the first year of high school
[on campus] was unexpected, but I’m very fortunate
to be able to go back next year! I look forward to
meeting new people, especially in cross country and
Psychology Club.”
— Freshman Lucas de Paula

“I’m glad that there will be some normalcy after being in quarantine for a year. Since next year is going to be my last year of high school, I’m going to try to put myself out there more. I’ve been reluctant to do so at times in the past, so I’m trying to get more involved.”

— Junior Keith Tran

“I would like to try to participate in more school events. I have realized that our time as students can be taken away a bit easier than we thought so I want to use next year to do the most! I would like to either start my own club or start a movement of some sort next year.”

— Sophomore Kaylin Gaulden

“I feel like next year is exciting because it is almost like a new chapter in my life. The next years will determine what I choose to spend the rest of my life doing. I am looking forward to the opportunities that the future holds as well as the friendships I will develop in college. It’s a time of letting go, considering the people I grew up with are not going to be around as much since some are going out of state for college or moving away and starting a new life of their own.”

— Senior Courtney Folsom